Directions for Use for All Dogs
Original and Specialty Formulas Only!
(Excludes Puppy & Pregnancy and Healthy Cat Formula, separate instructions available for those formulas)
Our 3 Golden Rules that lead to success using any of the Dr Kruger Pet Supplements Formulas.
1. The formulas are dosed based on the amount of food your pet eats per meal; this is the only true way to determine the proper amount of supplement/s your pet should be getting. Your goal is to get your dog up to 1 full scoop per one cup of food and your cat up to the equivalent amount of supplement/s based on the amount of food being fed.
2. This will not work if you are trying to give supplements to more than one pet in a "free feeding" environment. This is based on predictive feeding as explained above.
3. You must follow our dosage instructions; your pet must have the supplement/s on every meal; skipping days or only giving the supplement/s on one meal a day (unless your pet only gets one meal a day) will not be sufficient for the supplement/s to do their job properly.

Introducing anything new into your dog or cats diet should be done slowly over a 7 to 10 day period. This will allow your dogs system to get use to the new addition and reduce the likelihood of causing issues. For dogs and cats with very sensitive systems, consider stretching the introduction period out a little longer than 7 to 10 days. You know your dog better than anyone else; you are in the best position to judge how slowly you so go.
Start off with just a pinch; this should be just enough to cover the bottom of the scoop (you should not be able to see the plastic bottom). Over the next 7 to 10 days (based on 1 cup of food per feeding) you will gradually add more supplement to the scoop go from:
Day 1: Just a pinch (or 1/8th of a teaspoon) on each meal
Day 2: 2 pinches (or 2/8th of a teaspoons) on each meal
Day 3: 3 pinches (or 3/8ths of a teaspoon) on each meal and so on...
Until you reach the desired dosage of 1 full scoop (teaspoon) per 1 cup of food.
Remember this has to go on each meal to achieve the desired results. For best results you should provide the supplement with each feeding.
Watch the dogs stools; if the stools get soft you know you are building too quickly for that dog. Just back down a little on the amount given and leave it at that level until the stools firm up. Then you can start increasing the amount again until you reach the full dosage.

Have a picky eater on your hands?
Having trouble getting them to eat their formula?
1. Put their formula in a small portion of cottage cheese, mix well and give it as an after meal treat.
2. Put their formula in a small portion of yogurt, mix well and give it as an after meal treat.
3. Mixing the formula with a small portion of peanut butter and given as an after meal treat has also been known to achieve the desired results.
You know your pet better than anyone else... trust your instincts and you will find a delivery method that works best for your particular pet!