Introducing anything new into your cats diet should be done slowly over a 7 to 10 day period. This will allow your cats system to get use to the new addition and reduce the likelihood of causing issues. For cats with very sensitive systems, consider stretching the introduction period out a little longer than 7 to 10 days. You know your cat better than anyone else; you are in the best position to judge how slowly you so go.
For all breeds of cats:

Introducing anything new into your cats diet should be done slowly over a 7 to 10 day period. This will allow your cats system to get use to the new addition and reduce the likelihood of causing issues.
For cats with very sensitive systems, consider stretching the introduction period out a little longer than 7 to 10 days.
You know your cat better than anyone else; you are in the best position to judge how slowly you so go.

For all breeds of cats
Start off with just a pinch; this should be just enough to cover the bottom of the scoop (you should not be able to see the plastic bottom). Over the next 7 to 10 days (based on 1 cup of food per feeding) you will gradually add more supplement to the scoop go from:
Day 1: Just a pinch on each meal
Day 2: 2 pinches on each meal
Day 3: 3 pinches on each meal and so on.
Note: It is doubtful that your cat will eat more than 1/2 cup per feeding; you will most likely never reach one full scoop per one cup of food. That is okay because it is based on the cat's food intake.
Just make sure your cat is getting the proper dosage for the amount of food he or she is eating per meal.
TIP: Most cats like a little gravy with their food; you can always add just enough warm water to melt the powder, mix good into the food so it coats all of the food in the bowl.
If your cat eats more than one cup of food or less than one cup of food per feeding you should adjust the increments accordingly.